Current vision systems are not affordable and not optimized to depalletize bags from a pallet. As a result, bags are often depalletized manually. Classic robotic depalletizing solutions are often rigid and time consuming to set-up. They often operate 'blind' and cannot cope with shifted bags or incomplete bag layers.Some costly and generic vision solutions exist but they are not designed specifically for this application, thus affecting the reliability, cycle time and throughput.A specialized, reliable and affordable vision system to detect and locate bags precisely is necessary to reduce dependency on labor, especially for heavy bags and to improve robotic systems efficiency and to reduce operational expenses.
• Detect and Identify improper seals due to product residue in the seal area, poor bag construction or crushed bag.
• Detect empty or filled bags on a pallet using a powerful while affordable Intel RealSense Camera.
• Locate the bag perimeter and determine the best picking point coordinates in X, Y, Z.
• Communicate a list of the best picking points to your standard PLC or Robot (compatible with popular PLC and Robot brands).
• Improve the cycle time compared to manual depalletization or semi-automatic depalletization.
• Record and Visualize Production Data to analyze and understand the performance of your production lines.
Depallet-Eyes technology is a powerful Artificial Intelligence algorithm paired with an affordable and powerful camera. This system allows a robot to efficiently pick bags with minimal operator intervention from a pallet for truck loading or warehouse applications. The system identifies the bags perimeters and send the best picking point coordinates to the robot. The algorithm is always learning and is able to identify bags that are place randomly or on an incomplete layer. This reduces the need for the operator to intervene. The solution is also able to detect reflective and glossy bags without contrasting marking.
Depallet-Eyes uses an Intel RealSense 3D Stereo camera to visualize bags and their position in 3D. The AI detects bags efficiently no matter the bag size and location without the need of any human intervention.
Depallet-Eyes can be integrated to an existing PLC and/or robot to communicate with the system for further action, whether it is to stop the Depal system if it senses danger or an obstacle nearby.
With Depallet-Eyes installed at your warehouse, you can reduce your dependency on manual labour to perform tasks that have no added value for your company, and where the risk of errors is high.
Depallet-Eyes is able to record production data and generate historical datasets to compare performance indices such as cycle time, number of bags depalletized per type of bags.
• Best ROI - More affordable than competition Highly Reliable
• Highly Reliable - Proprietary AI Algorigthm Optimized for bags depalletization
• Quick Setup Time - Installation in less than 1 hour
• Easy to integrate - Compatible with any Robot and PLC
• Highly Flexible - Compatible with different bags & pallets size